With spectacular colour from the blueberries plus a gorgeous edible flower garnish, this vegan raw blueberry cake will bring a touch of glam to any table.
Cook Time: 40 minutes plus setting time (preferably overnight) | Makes: 30 approx Pieces
¾ cups pecans
½ cup macadamia nuts
1 ½ cups hazelnuts, toasted
½ cups dates
¼ cup cocoa powder
3 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
2 cups frozen blueberries, plus extra to serve
½ cup water
55 g chia seeds, ground
40 g copha, melted
¾ cup maple syrup
1 cup coconut cream
- Lightly toast pecans, macadamias, and hazelnuts in a frying pan over low heat. Set aside to cool.
- Grease a 25 centimetre round fluted tart pan.
- When cool, blitz the nuts in a food processor until a crumb-like texture and place aside in a bowl. Add dates, cocoa powder, maple syrup, vanilla and salt to the food processor and bend to a rough paste. Gradually blend the nuts into the date mix until well combined.
- Use the back of a spoon to press the nut mix firmly and evenly into the tart tin and refrigerate.
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